Sunday, August 09, 2009

Newbee to Facebook...

Yes, it has taken me five years, but I have joined the ranks of those who use facebook... I really only joined because I wanted to stay in touch with Andrew (brother in BC). You would not believe the amount of people that already wanted to be my friend when I created my account! I felt so loved... BUT REALLY... Do people really give a crap when I let them know I'm going to wash the dog for the first time? Or that I'm at work? Or that the bloomin onion I just had from Ribfest will give me bloomin gas for the rest of the evening? And if they do give a crap, should I be afraid that i have/ or even worse, am a stocker? Is this generation really so self absorbed that they believe people want to know their every move? Or is it more like an on-line diary for people who forget what they did the day before? Can people I don't want to know see and check on my page...what about hackers.? Shaun said that ever since i joined it that he's been getting all this spam mail in his G mail account. Oops. I know it seems strange that i would make fun of something I just joined... But i really kinda think I'm too old to understand the real difference facebook could make in my life.

1 comment:

  1. One of the benefits of Facebook is reconnecting with old friends and family. Last week for example I found and hope to meet the daughter of one of the many families I lived with as a child.


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