Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Shack Completed...

Finished this book last week, and thought I'd better let it sink in before I spew anything out about it. It totally made me view my relationship with God, Jesus and the Hold spirit differently. It also made me have a new understanding for how all three relate to one

The thing that changed my thoughts the most is how God did not create lines of authority because that's the was he always wanted himself to be viewed, but because humans are so simple that we would not be able to grasp the idea that everyone is meant to be in relationship on an even ground with one another, with no one being at the "top" but everyone giving and receiving equally. This is a really small shift in thinking if you grew up in a home like mine. I was taught to question many things in my world growing up. I guess most Christians would call this "having a rebellious spirit". I have no issues seeing a pastor on the same level as myself, or a lawyer... doctor...millionaire...I'm just not intimidated my them. They all play a role in society as does everyone. Respect...yes, because i can learn from them, and visa-versa.

The other thing that hit home was the whole idea of every sin originating, or having a root in mans need to be independent from God. This is so fundamental. Look back to the beginning of time, there you have Adam wanting to think separate from his creator. Think of any sin you choose to commit, and there you have a pull toward independence... Selfishness, lack of trust (in God) all of it comes back to our striving to be independent from our creator.

The one part of the book that resonated with me the most was this idea that all that goes on God can and will use to our good if we trust in him. I have always said, in pain or joy that ultimately I am going to heaven and will some day be in the presence of God, so what else REALLY matters? Does this mean that I don't care? No. Does this mean that I am not attached to the people I love? No. It just means that i know none of what i have is mine anyways... Including myself, so why blame? Deal with the shit so you can move on into a greater understanding of God's love for you... Ya, life can really suck... but it can also be such a gift!

This all was just a good reminder of what has always been ingrained in my thinking, my heart, God's thinking, God's heart.

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