Saturday, January 17, 2009

Peace vs. Happiness

What do you want? Peace vs. Happiness...

Have an ongoing conversation going with a friend about having peace as a state of being... Peace as a state of being, not an emotion, or some passing place in time, but eternal, constant and non-situational.

I learned not too long ago that peace really is a choice... a choice that involves total surrender to God, and allowing people around you to be and do what they need to be and do to learn in their own journey. You can still experience the emotion of sadness, hurt, disappointment and so on, but there is an underlying sense that nothing is under your control, and ultimately that is ok, because you cant do anything about it.

Freeing isn't it? Makes me look at most things and situations much differently. You allow others around you to be themselves, and to grow on their own, without YOUR pushing them. Its just nice.

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